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continuous rotation中文是什么意思

用"continuous rotation"造句"continuous rotation"怎么读"continuous rotation" in a sentence


  • 连续旋转
  • 连续转动


  • Smooth movement : as efforts to the design of the tower in any location continuous rotation ( either perspective , speed / acceleration ) , therefore , transmission device operates smoothly , no vibration and noise
    平稳运动:由于出力转塔的设计是在任何位置连续旋转(无论是角度、速度和/或加速) ,因此,传动装置运转平稳,无振动和噪音。
  • Because the controller is easy to get the position of rotor by the encoder , we can continuously rotate the flux of the armature rotor by applying spwm method to the control system . the continuous rotation of the flux of armature make the output torque of motor has no ripple
用"continuous rotation"造句  
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